Calle Zacatlan 28, La Paz, Pue., Mexico PB 72160

What Are Sun Spots and How Can They Be Treated?

Published on February 15, 2019

You already know that unprotected exposure to sunlight can cause sunburns, but that is not the only way the sun can damage the skin. The UV rays emitted by the sun can cause significant damage to the health and appearance of our skin in a variety of ways.

Age spots, also referred to as sun spots, are the brown or black discolored spots that form on the areas of the skin that are frequently exposed to sunlight. This includes the face, neck, shoulders, arms, and hands. They are the result of UV rays accelerating the production of melanin in the skin.

At El Cielo Medical Center, we can treat sun spots using photofacials, fractional lasers, radiofrequency laser treatments, and skin resurfacing. Contact us to schedule a consultation for your sun spot treatments with plastic surgeon Dr. Robert Segovia.

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