Calle Zacatlan 28, La Paz, Pue., Mexico PB 72160

A More Refined Nasal Tip Through Rhinoplasty

Published on July 28, 2017

Does your nasal tip lack definition and have an overly rounded appearance? This aesthetic issue is fairly common and can be corrected through rhinoplasty.

The cause of a rounded nasal tip has to do with the shape of the nasal cartilage. If the nasal cartilage is too wide, it robs the nasal tip of its definition. The issue can also occur if the nasal cartilage is convex in shape.

Plastic surgeon Dr. Roberto Segovia can reshape the nasal cartilage to create a more refined nasal tip. The surgery will involve manipulating the cartilage and cutting away small portions to ensure that the nasal structure remains intact.

Contact our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Segovia. He can provide you with a beautifully sculpted nose that satisfies your aesthetic needs.

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