Calle Zacatlan 28, La Paz, Pue., Mexico PB 72160

Breast Enhancement Options Mexico

Published on July 28, 2019

There are a lot of things you need to know before undergoing a breast augmentation procedure. There are many decision to make along the way, but the most important is choosing the right plastic surgeon. During your initial consultation with Dr. Roberto Segovia, he will walk you through your various options to help you make educated decisions about your breast enhancement.

Breast augmentation is performed using a variety of techniques, materials, and approaches. This can include the type of implant used (saline vs. silicon filled), implant size, texture, and shape, the location of the incision, and the placement of the implant. Each option offers specific aesthetic benefits and can also impact certain functions like your ability to breastfeed.

Researching each option will make it easier for you to clearly describe exactly what you are trying to accomplish through breast augmentation to Dr. Segovia. If you are interested in breast augmentation surgery and would like to schedule a consultation, please contact us today.

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