Calle Zacatlan 28, La Paz, Pue., Mexico PB 72160

Protect Your Eyelids from the Sun After Your Blepharoplasty

Published on December 22, 2016

Blepharoplasty corrects any fine lines, bulging, and sagging that occur on your eyelids as a result of again and external factors such as sun damage. When recovering from your procedure, it is important to remember that these external factors can still affect your eyelids, so keeping them protected is paramount.

In order to provide proper protection for your eyelids after your blepharoplasty procedure, we recommend that you use sunglasses for the first few weeks whenever you come into contact with direct sunlight. The sensitive tissue that composes the eyelid is temporarily made even more fragile by the procedure. Taking the necessary steps to protect the tissue will ensure that your results are satisfactory.

Plastic surgeon Dr. Roberto Segovia aims to provide our patients with all the necessary information they need to prepare for their surgery and recovery. Contact us to schedule a consultation, where Dr. Segovia can address any questions or concerns you may have.

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