Calle Zacatlan 28, La Paz, Pue., Mexico PB 72160

Recovering from Your Arm Lift Procedure

Published on February 9, 2018

After your arm lift procedure, you may find it difficult to perform a majority of your daily tasks for a few days. Because of this, we recommend that you ask a family member or friend to help you during the first few days of your recovery.

You will need to have a family member or friend drive you home after your arm lift procedure, as it will be too difficult to attempt to operate a vehicle on your own.

The bruising, swelling, and discomfort that will occur for the first few days after your procedure will also make it difficult for you to grab or carry items. Because of this, it is important that you have an area of your home prepared with everything you will need for your recovery.

We will provide you with a thorough list of post-operative instructions after your procedure that you should use to make your recovery period as comfortable as possible. If you are ready to undergo an arm lift, contact our office to schedule a consultation with plastic surgeon Dr. Roberto Segovia

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